Bike: Road Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

20.6 mi


16.86 mi / hr




143 lb
162 bpm
173 bpm



9 / 10

Race Result

10 / 18 (55.6%)
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warmed up on the trainer for 15 minutes, then road circles in the parking lot.

race data:

Avg Cad = 88

Avg Pwr = 229

NP = 269

VI = 1.18

I felt pretty uneasy on the turns for the first two laps. It was drizzling and they were all eiher up or downhill. There'd been crashes in the earlier races, so I was being cautious. I felt strong and could easily stay up with the front few people. it was easy for me to pass people through the turns, especially turns that went into a climb. I even pulled and lead finishing one lap (too bad there was no prime :) ). i had just finished a pull to start an attack with 3 other guys. The guy after me took off pretty hard. I had hopped on the wheel of the last of our foursome, but that guy blew up right away. I hadn't recovered enough to real the two break away guys in and join them on my own, so ended up getting caught by the pack. I was able to stay up around the front the rest of the race. There was a sprint at the finish to get the third place, but I just can't accelerate in a sprint like some of those people and although I sped up, there were a lot that passed me.
