Bike: Long Previous Next


8:09 AM

63.5 mi


17.4 mi / hr




148 lb
137 bpm
153 bpm


90 F


7 / 10
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Random Route


Tour d'Italia Rally

Avg Cad: 82

Avg pwr: 150

NP: 165

VI: 1.1

parking and line to pick up my packet took over half an hour despite having registered online, so I missed the mass start by about 5 minutes. I rode alone the entire time (no drafting) and just tried to keep my cadence up and HR at 139. I had trouble getting my cadence up, though. My left knee was sore for the first half of the ride. but seemed fine towards the end. I quickly stopped at the 42 mile rest stop to get gatorade, 2 oreos, and an orange wedge. I'd been feeling a little sick and couldn't get comfortable on the bikefor about 20 minutes prior to that , but felt better after that stop. I think the heat was getting to me. I finished 2.5 servings of Infinite and most of a small water bottle by then. I drank the 24 oz gatorade and some water for the last 20 miles in.
