Bike: Easy Previous Next


7:05 AM

46.7 mi


18.02 mi / hr


QR Lucero


147 lb



7 / 10
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no hr data since garmin battery is dead, and i didn't want to replace it when i'm sending the whole watch in for warranty repair next week

legs felt good today. the group kept splitting, but I sat a few people back from the front and just made sure their were people behind me. I went really easy until Cartright, and then Gavin was the only person that turned. we stopped to help someone with a flat, and then sped up to catch some guys from the RBM 7:30 ride. we went harder then, and I took some pulls but i did let them know i was doing a recovery so was taking shorter pulls. once we got to the hills, we switced to a rotating pace line, which is always a blast, and less intense pulls.

drank two 3/4 strength bottles of Infinit. the group didn't stop at the diamond shamrock, so i was a little thirsty by the end but not hungry

avg cad 89

avg pwr: 145

NP: 182

VI: 1.26
