Bike: Progressive Pace Previous Next


7:42 AM

61.1 mi


18.14 mi / hr


QR Lucero


145 lb
134 bpm
160 bpm


8 / 10
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60/60/30 progressive ride.

there were about 6 people doing thee long ride, so I started with the group, but they were going REALLY easy (i was riding off the front at 100 W), and then surging past me on the hills, so eventually i just considered myself to be riding alone and ignored them. they turned off to do some extra hills between where we normally stop to regroup (at 1366?) and the neighborhood, so I was completely solo from there. I was about 5 minutes from starting the moderate effort when i turned into the neighborhood anyway.

I did 3 loops of the plume, which all occurred during the moderate effort. This was the first long ride on my tri bike since austin 70.3 (wed's intervals were the first ride on it), and i wanted to get a feel for climbing on it while i was alone.

legs felt good for the steady effort. i couldn't go much harder, but i could have maintained that effort longer.

i had 3 bottles of infinite for nutrition, and that seemed plenty for the work i did. didn't feel like i was fading or anything.
