Bike: Long Previous Next


7:00 AM

101.8 mi


18.09 mi / hr


QR Lucero


143 lb
142 bpm
175 bpm



8 / 10
  • Map

Random Route


Avg cad = 86

Avg Pwr = 168

NP = 192

VI = 1.15

Shiner Rally

felt pretty good up until about mile 75. I had let Jami & Meghan have some of my water because I thought we were closer to a water stop than we were, and then ended going dry and getting a little dehydrated. I felt pretty strong on the ride and tried to stay up at the front. I was off the front of the group at the first rest stop, but had to pee, so I stopped hoping to be able to catch up with the group. I rode pretty hard time trialing for about an hour thinking everyone was ahead, but finally started to let up and then the group caught me and let me know they'd stopped for Jill's flat. at about mile 80, I was really wearing down, and it just took willpower to stay up in the group and I stopped pulling as much. I still ended up being one of the first couple of people in our group to finish, though.
