Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:47 AM

3.5 mi


6:52 mi


144 lb
162 bpm
173 bpm



9 / 10
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it was really humid, and my legs felt heavy from last night. I started off trying to keep Blake from getting too far ahead. I'd reeled him in and was a few steps ahead when he turned at 10 minutes. I was alone from there, but tried not to slow down too much. I didn't know my split for the 1st or 3rd mile, but looked at the mile 2 split and thought I read 7:07. I really felt the whole day I was running slower than normal, but I was really pushing hard. About 17-18 minutes in, Kelly came into sight, so I tried reeling her in. I was mentally struggling not to let up, but I'm glad I'm didn't. this was the first tempo I've made it under a 7:00/mi pace since January '10.
