Event: Plan for outdoor and cross Previous Next


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Most people know I wont be competing this outdoor season. I need to get my shit back together. Talked it over with dan and chip and decided to train instead to compete for cross and outdoor next year. Last year I set some high standards for myself, which I the time I questioned whether or not I set my goals a little too high. Last year for track my goal was to run a sub 15:15 in the 5k and sub 9:30 in the steeple. Before that my times were 15:35 and 9:47. Coming in after not competing and mainly cross training I wasn't sure if I was maybe biting off more than I could chew. But I ran faster than what I originally set out to do. (15:11 and 9:26). After just missing the provo mark in the steeple I knew I had what it would take to make nationals especially after another year of running. I set some high standards for myself again this year. Provo for 5k and Auto for steeple. I though that if last year I was barely running at the time I'd be way ahead of where I was since I had a full season of cross country training before hand.

I have done nothing this indoor season to contribute to the team. Nothing. One difference I know of from last year is that I have nearly eliminated my consumption of meat and animal products. I started to think maybe there was a diet issue. On Wednesday I got my iron tested scored a 14 on the serum ferritin test. I am wondering if its time to set my ethical issues aside and see if things change.

Anyway, enough of that. I want to be an all american in the steeple before I graduate. I want to run and turn heads at nationals in cross next season. I am ready to do whatever that takes. I am slowly replacing xtraining with mileage and plan on being in the low 500s by summer with another 60-90 xt tagged on just too keep those IT issues at bay. Its going to take some work to get on the nationals team next season. Thats exciting.
