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5:30 PM

6 mi


8:30 mi


82 F


5 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map

Prairie Path


I hate humidity!

Decided to try out the Prairie Path today. My first time. I didn't know what to expect. It didn't start off well though, as i only had a button down shirt. I usually like running without a shirt, but when i'm going thru uncharted territory of unknown ghetto-ness, i prefer to where something that doesn't scream "LOOK AT THAT WHITE KID WITH PIERCINGS AND SHORT SHORTS!". Then i couldn't find my watch, which i remember walking into work with. Well the car's clock will have to do, and i really wanted to run, so i went without the shirt.

Friendly folks out there. No hecklers today. The path is nice enough, no mile markers. Most the cross streets are low-traffic, all but two before getting to Manhiem. At which point, i'm waiting to cross at a light, and running by boarded up storefronts with no sidewalks. Icing on the cake: it starts pouring rain. That was mile 3 anyway, so i turn around. Rain stops when i get back on the path, and i'm left with an all-around pretty good run. I'll try it again. I guess one of the other good things was that i didn't think about form, knees, or possible aches or pains until about mile 5. Guess i was just distracted by the new scenery.
