Event: 2015 Year in Review Previous Next


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2015 Year Summary:

1813.2 miles in 238:39:17 (7:54 pace)

Five Races (3 marathons, 1 half, and a 12k)

PR in the 12k (first ever 12k run though...)

Most memorable running moment: First place at Snoqualmie Trail Marathon.

Third place in Bremerton was pretty nice too.

Also memorable was that moment I went down on the ice in January. I

think that was the second real feet-out-from-under-me slip/fall.

I had a pretty good 66 day steak at the beginning of the year.

Managed 89.8 miles of trails.

Scored the 2000-mile-group eight ball for my race on 12/5.

I pretty much failed at the core workouts, and stretching has been minimal.

Took the challenge from my wife to have a 'big year'.

I imagined that to include more that 3 marathons, but I was hurt in there

for a bit too, and couldn't run the Tunnel. Every time i sign up for that race

i get hurt...

No beer mile time this year either. Maybe in 2016?

Looking at possibly at the Lumberjack (100k option) and/or Volcano. TBD I planned to run Snoqualmie Valley Trail again, but it doesn't look like they're having the full marathon option this year. Maybe the half? Also looking at the Cougar Mt Series.

Goals for 2016:

1814 miles total.

>90 trail miles

Volunteer for a race (give back finally!)
