Run: Easy Previous Next


9:00 PM

2.3 mi


8:40 mi


154 lb


3 C


3 / 10
3 / 10
  • Map

Beaver Lake


Probably going to try to write about all i thought about tonight.

Quarantine, injuries, isolation. Music to inspire and help bring me out of a fucking spiral. Ugh. Journal this this.

This run was OK! Sensitive PF in the left foot. Sleeping with the boot and otherwise sulking.

Weight is surprisingly stable. Still drinking some beers, and eating pretty well. Less grazing while working. Folks at work/internet are calling it the Quarantine 15 (lb gain). So I guess I should be happy with where I am.

Cycling note:

It's hard. A better bike would help. Fenders would help. Rain gear would help.

I love how easy it is to move 10, 12 miles. But you spend an hour out there, ride 10 miles, and burn a lousy 300 cal.

Currently my back up plan if running fails me.
