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6:00 PM

5 mi


7:45 mi


47 F


5 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


Get an easy 5er in after work. I was still thinking about the 50k on Saturday. As much as i want to do it, i don't think it would be particularly good for me. My quads were noticeably working at mile four, and i really feel like i still need to take it on the easy side. Err, not too easy, i might try 5 or 10 this weekend, but i thing 31 is just too much too soon.

On top of that, i'm not sure i'd be able to beat my previous time (without hurting myself), so what would the point be?

Though as i think about it, i do think i could make it in <4:29, and it is supposed to be a nice day....
