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  • Exercises


Today begins my foray into some "real" lifting. To start I've chosen the 5x5 strong lifts program and will customize beyond that if needed. Given my lack of lifting and general weakness this seemed like a good fit to get my strength up and I really liked the programs focus on leg/glute and back/shoulder work.

While I gained a bit of strength in the gym the last 2-3 weeks I kind of feel like I was wasting some time and effort with reps for specific muscles. The compound lifts I'll be doing should help me to streamline the time in the gym, get me stronger and leave me with time for running. I do suspect I'll squeeze in some specific work as well - especially for the lower leg, outer hips and possibly the shoulder/thoracic back (LYTP for instance).

The plan calls for only 3 exercises per gym visit (squats every time) but I decided to start out with all 5 lifts to get some practice with proper the weight is light enough for the time being that I should be able to handle it. Given that this is an every other day regimen I'll no doubt switch to just 3 exercises almost immediately to avoid fatigue. I also suspect that I may need to take 2 days between lifts as the weight increases since I don't plan on cutting my running.

All work is using a standard rack or bench and Olympic style bar and weights - no more smith machine, etc. Weight to increase by 5lbs each day, Dead lift to go up by 10lb

Squats - 95lbs 5x5

Over Head Press - 45lbs 5x5

Barbell Row - 65lbs 5x5

Deadlift - 95lbs 2x5 (supposed to limit to 1x5 but I need the practice)

Bench Press - 65lbs 5x5

Relatively easy, especially after a 9 mile run...
