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7:15 AM

7.1 mi


7:27 mi

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Feeling fresher this morning (pace shows it). Last night found some crazy trigger points / tenderness in outer right quad. Hips/Glutes pretty lit up as well so tried to massage all of that out.

Felt decent during the run but tight and not very fluid on the right side (inner ankle acting up a bit again too).

Starting loosening well and sped up on 2nd half but then the knee got aggravated - kinda ignored it last night but it is still a bit tender and had a nerve-like aggravation during the run (very outer portion of kneecap). This went away as soon as I did a couple quick stretches at the stoplight.

More work to be done and not sure I'll be able to handle a long effort tomorrow (15 planned) unless quad relaxes and knee bounces back.
