Health: Knee update Previous Next


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Knee is improved from last week and in a lot of ways feels much like it has for the last 3-4 weeks prior to the flareup. For that matter the right knee has been "off" since late September and was particularly tender during the early miles of the Marathon. Always the outer kneecap and with a varying amount of crankiness (from none to nagging/painful).

Right now Its a mild tight/achy sensation that runs from hips to kneecap (similiar to ITBS in that regard). Massage is still a bit tender but so much better than the first couple days when it popped up.

The morning AIS I've started should help and continued hip/glute and quad/knee work will hopefully knock this thing out - just need to stay focused for a couple weeks.

**During massage I sometimes hit a very small but tender spot - almost like a nerve as it seems to shoot discomfort out from the knee. Probably should ease up on the force!

I'm pretty confident its a mild tendonitis that flares up when I get lazy with stretching/massaging and stems from dysfunction in hips/glutes and tight quads. The flareup could very well be due to my massage work breaking up some scar tissue or just irritating something that was lying semi-dormant.
