Health: Day Off - Glute/Hip Previous Next


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After more than a week of pretty consistent and nagging glute discomfort I finally took a day off.

Lots of massage, stretching and prodding around has left me thinking that this started as a strained glute (medius most likley) that I continued to run and resulted in a bigger area of strain/discomfort/tendonitis.

Some pretty major massage tenderness along pelvis/ilium and trochanter - basically wherever a glute connection point is, it hurts a bit.

Unfortunately me pushing through the discomfort seems to have caused some additional tenderness in the back/groin and all through the hip/butt region - likley due to me compensating while running during the last week.

I have a strong feeling that my ankle/PTT discomfort over the last couple of weeks was causing some extra work of the glutes or perhaps even changed my stride enough to over-stress things. Without a doubt the 2 are related - more research and another day or two off to see how thing progress. Discomfort is already fading from the original location and is now more on the hip and medius/minimus area - massage discomfort continues into the upper portion of ITB/ Outer Hamstring.

Ankle/PTT is feeling much much better and I'm trying to get full range of motion back via massage/stretching - likely lots of scar tissue built up around ankle bone.
