Run: Easy Previous Next


7:15 PM

10 mi


7:53 mi


149 lb


  • Map

Lake Village


Started pretty solid despite the heat/humidity. Didn't realize I was taking so much water and at 3.5 I should have turned around to at least get a refill....instead went for the 9 route and those extra 2 miles about did me in. Had to ration water like crazy, about 3/4 of it gone at the 1/2 way point. At about 5 miles my body started slowing down...less fluid and slower pace seemed to go hand in hand on this one. I was tad worried/scared of dehydration so didn't push it at all and ended up cutting out my intended workout portion all together (was gonna do a few 400's and a few more mile)

Made it home, got cooled down and tried to get water in me. Back out for an easy mile and stepping out the door was like a slap in the face - a hot sticky slap. Slogged around for another 8 minutes or so and threw in a couple surges to make sure my legs still worked. When i started head index was 94 despite temp around 85.
