Health: Right Knee - hips/glutes/groin/psoas? Previous Next


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Right leg just seems to be hanging on to minor issues that I'm starting to worry could get worse - as the knee has made a jump in discomfort the last couple days.

Today, the small spot on knee cap (close to outer edge) is worse with massage yet I don't even notice this while walking, lunging, stretching ,etc. Glad I didn't try to run first thing this morning as planned, but now quite nervous about tonight's run.

Cause of knee? - I've had a pretty steady tightness in the groin and hip/glutes on the right side along with a banged up / tight quad. These are almost surely the cause of concern.

I also experienced a peroneus issue right after Thanksgiving that has calmed down a ton but still some soreness there and into the upper shin area. I feel this is/was also pulling on the knee.

I also ramped up the massage efforts on my knees and started icing - prehaps this revealed the problem or I over-massage? It almost has a bruise-like sensation at times today. Will keep an eye on it. Good news is that the main tendon portion (first injury) feels strong and pain free.
