Run: Easy Previous Next


5.2 mi


7:21 mi


Not much motivation the last couple of days after feeling very run down on Monday (slightly over-trained?). Decided to give myself a little mini recovery period and as a result my mindset to get out and run has suffered. Ended up taking yesterday off and had to force myself out the door tonight.

Should be ready to go for tomorrows time trial / race.

Did a few exercises last night instead of running - clamshells, bridges a few jumps and some shoulder work. Need to keep this kind of thing in the rotation as it helps to support my running/posture and should enhance my more structured lifting.

Chest tightened back up a ton as well and breathing has been off. A lot of chest, diaphragm and psoas work the last 24 hours in an effort to be race ready...chest seems to be the main culprit. Need to be extra cautious after bench press but didn't do much after Saturday's lift and then relaxed quite a bit.
