Run: Easy Previous Next


9.1 mi


7:05 mi


A little extra core stretching and diaphragm/rib work before the run - seemed to really help with proper breathing. However, had some wicked indigestion that seemed to be esophagus related - started to impact breathing, mucus, and was quite uncomfortable. After the run found some problems below the sternum/xiphoid and wondering if my esophagus and diaphragm got stuck together again (Ed has found this twice). Felt much better after some massage - something to keep an eye on. Could be that this has had an impact on ability to stretch and breath. Worked on some back stretching as well and might just be making some really nice headway. Now if I could just quit my day job and stop sitting all the time.

Calves are a bit cranky and inner quads are knotted. Glad that a 9 mile run is starting to feel normal again
