Run: Easy w/Tempo Previous Next


9.1 mi


6:33 mi


Tempo portion was kinda rough as my diaphragm got tight and the couple of ~6:40 miles right before picking up the pace didn't do me any favors. I pushed a bit harder on this one compared to last week, but the pace didn't really reflect the effort - left side felt kinda stuck and by the end I could really tell that I wasn't pulling air very efficiently. In fact, some of the secondary respiratory muscles through the neck/shoulders were bugging me halfway through.

I think I'm learning how to get things working better, but I imagine it will take some time to really make some tissue changes and also strengthen up the diaphragm.

Found a few good techniques after having difficulty getting relaxed enough to sleep...the diaphragm was the culprit as I've learned from my summer sleeping issues - the new techniques seem promising and are much deeper than previous massage/release attempt. Hopefully some good results will come about in a couple of days.

Tempo was 4.47 in 26:53 - 6:01 pace.

Really happy with the overall pace, especially since the last mile (cooldown) was nearly 8 flat due to the diaphragm cinching up.
