Run: Easy w/Speed Previous Next


4.7 mi


6:30 mi

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Recoveries varied too much - Mike C had said 30 second recoveries but I'm not sure where he got this idea as the workout he usually does on the track has him jogging 100 meters down and then a very slow pace this has to be close to a minute. Most of ours were around 90 seconds, with some a bit more. 30 seconds wouldn't have been possible today at these paces.

Considering we were on the trail its not a big deal but I'd like to do this workout again being a bit more strict with the rest/recoveries. Either a set distance or time...maybe we'll hit the track next time.

Otherwise this was a great workout - the north wind made it a bit tough...but on the negative side, I should be capable of running a 4 mile tempo at this pace in the next few weeks. More work to be done, but a good start on tired legs.

5:53 pace without recoveries included. Recoveries are just a rough estimate
