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3.5 mi


5:43 mi

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Ended up pushing pretty hard but without any of the necessary focus or mental intensity. As such I didn't have any real adrenaline and was very relaxed prior to the race (several TTAU guys to chat with).

Right side stitch started coming on early into mile 2 and then got pretty bad with about a mile to go. Need to get this problem sorted and get used to regularly running at a pace where the diaphragm is forced to get stronger and properly utilized. Crammed in a ton of chest massage/release and it made a difference...need to stay on top of it as it really helps me to breath through the diaphragm better. The diaphragm itself can only be partially blamed.

Mile markers were way off. Field was deeper this year, weather was great, and the course is still pretty crappy (3 hairpin turns and still lots of stuffy underground air)

Time to get focused...
