Run: Easy w/Fartlek Previous Next


10.3 mi


7:05 mi

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A pretty loose interval session of just over a half mile on/off with a focus on keeping recovery at a decent pace. Didn't keep close tabs on each split but did take mental notes along with splits after each mile (slow 180 degree turnarounds didn't help with accuracy and added a few seconds here and there).

A good session to repeat in the future. Ran from Lawrence to Foster on the lakefront trail. A little bit of foot and ankle discomfort early in the run - still some inner ankle ache along with some top of foot pain radiating down from shin perhaps - discomfort is more or less on front/top of ankle slightly to outside.

NB's still seem to aggravate the ankle a bit, another pair of kinvaras are ordered though

A couple more bigger days this week then going to enjoy a nice 3 day recovery weekend.
