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Squats - 155lb 5x5

Overhead Press - 75lb 4x5. Struggled with 4th set so cut out last set. Did some light shoulder work once I got home

Deadlifts - 155lb 3x5. A quick warmup set with 135.

Need to get back in a routine but with the weight going up I feel the need for more days off in order to keep the running up.



You're smart and know this, but I'd guess if you get a bit more normal of a routine again that you'll get past that need for extra recovery as your body will adapt to the tearing/rebuilding of the lifts again so you won't be so phased by the workouts.

Had the same exact issue with my leg workouts; although reduced probably since I wasn't doing the heavier lifts you're doing.


A good reminder! Hopefully I can find a balance between lifting and harder running workouts. I really want to stick with lifting as I'm seeing some pretty nice benefits to my running and durability (at least when I'm not super fatigued!)

Hope you are doing well.


Yeah, hanging in there. Hoping to be out attempting runs a bit more often, but I have a trip to Alaska in a week so after that I'll probably be more consistent.