Run: Easy Previous Next


6:45 PM

3 mi


7:40 mi


A pretty long wedding weekend and some knee ache on Saturday but I was able to get out for a nice little run. Knee discomfort was a mix of the patella tendon feeling achy with massage and something more on the outside of the knee like an ITBS type of discomfort. The tendon tenderness seemed to move a bit higher and more directly on the knee cap. I probably over massaged a bit. As soon as I hit the foam roller after getting back home I could feel an immediate difference to the quad, knee and hip.

Anyway, the run was good aside from stupidly trying to watch a soccer match while running and then missing the path...the ankle turned pretty good. I kept running and it felt fine after a few minutes. A bit sore this morning at the ankle and some discomfort along the peroneal. No swelling yet...

First back to back 40 mile weeks in far too long!
