Run: Easy w/Tempo Previous Next


9.1 mi


6:40 mi


Kind of an impromptu workout- was considering something small if I felt really good. I didn't feel all that great nor did I keep it short/small.

Still fighting some diaphragm and core tightness but feel like I'm starting to get a better handle on it. Took a couple brief stops before the tempo portion to try and work things out - still had some minor issues but overall an improvement (a big improvement since last week or even earlier this week).

The tempo portion was a bit rough overall and slower than I probably should be doing these BUT even with the diaphragm/ribs acting up a bit this was in the slightly dis-comfortably hard zone. A bit encouraging as I didn't really push too much and without the issues could have cranked it up a notch. Plus I went an extra mile compared to my last couple of tempos.

4.47 Miles 27:21 - 6:08 Pace
