Health: Peroneal Tendon / Tendonitis Previous Next


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Seems to be a full on injury at this point. Hoping for a quick recovery and the ability to still race the Gobbler - but of course will need to play it safe in favor of the bigger picture. Will try to take advantage of the down time to get my other issues closer to 100%.

Peroneal muscles on side of leg are super tender and perhaps this is a muscle strain first and some tendon issues as a result. Regardless, the tendon behind the ankle bone (pain is a bit more toward the posterior heal) or some sort of attachment at the heel is angry.

Icing has continued and a bit more focused today hopefully.

Noticing the pain/discomfort at the heel/ankle is a bit more focused now and closer to where the tendon runs - the initial pain was a bit misleading and nearly and inch away from where I would have suspected (thus my Achilles guess).

Switched shoes on my run last night and wondering if the slightly different fit came into play as well.

It's unfortunate that on Sunday I was still 3+ miles away from the car when the pain was at it's worst and I was needed by Orilla and couldn't stop or walk. Being able to cut that run short could have really helped to prevent the aggravation that likley occurred.
