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  • Exercises


Really nice workout...stayed focused and kept the intensity up. Kept the weight in check - partially to keep good form and allow for an extra set and partially because the gym was very crowded and I didn't want to get in the way.

Dumbbells only for upper body work:

LYTP - 2 x15 5lbs

Shoulder Press - 3 x10 30lbs

Tricep - 1 dumbbell both hands - 3x15? Maybe only 2 sets?

Bench Press - 3x10 - 20lbs

Bench Row - 3x10 - 30lb

Moved to a rack:

Squats - 2x10 95lb - held bar in front again. Might try the "guided rack" next time (not sure on actual name)

Deadlifts - 2 x 10 95lb - better shoulder posture on these today...hamstrings got worked hard.

Plus a bit of extra work getting the bar up/down...

Did some plank and additional ab/oblique work once I got home...I'll need to train this until I can get my posture and ribs sorted out 100% - seeing improvements already.

Also did some ankle resistance band work - kept it light and will build this up.

Will take some time to see any real gains but I can tell I'm working much harder than i ever did at home and gotta believe my running will improve and day to day pains will reduce (if I keep up with flexibility!)
