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To start on a good note, no sign of knee inflammation or pain. No sign of a hamstring tendon flare-up. Even the hips and IT Bands seem to have fared well (aside from expected muscle soreness).

However...the quads are wrecked and can barely hold any body weight (stairs, standing up from sitting, etc. are super challenging). This prevented me from running last night and will likely prevent me again today - the streak is broken so no need to push. I tried a very short attempt last night after a free medal engraving and what I was doing was not running, hobbling isn't even the right description.

Even more worrisome is an inner right ankle problem that popped up at 4am Monday morning. The same ankle that had a few days of tightness/discomfort the last couple of weeks and clearly a warning sign I should have paid more attention to. Very painful after being awoken by it but it slowly improved during the day yesterday. I think its the posterior tibial tendon and with another couple days, ice, rest and range of motion work it should be fine. Its still very tender and somewhat swollen but hopefully will improve quickly. The calves tightened up a lot today and loosening them should also help the ankle.
