Run: Easy Previous Next


6:30 PM

4.5 mi


7:52 mi


Slow run, no real issues but some random aches and a few moments of the outer knee thing becoming noticeable (no pain though).

Peroneus might just be the main culprit of my outer knee irritation. Very tender on its upper portion along the fibula and seemingly irritated up into the fib head and condyle attachments. ITB on that side also seems rough so I guess things are pulling on both ends.

Short head of hamstring also feels a bit tight/tender which could of course be contributing too. Right ankle a bit off at times. Could have used my massage tools and stretch rope the last few days.

Left leg feels pretty good at least. Was hoping to feel pretty great at the end of this somewhat "down week" but didn't make much effort at recovering properly post race due to turkey day (the hills beat me up a bit).

Was planning to build back up the next 3 weeks before another lighter week...will play it by ear instead.
