Run: Easy Previous Next


10:00 AM

8.5 mi


7:33 mi


149 lb


78 F
  • Map

Canal Path


Pretty warm start to the day...was hoping for 10 miles but the tightness was really growing and a touch of discomfort crept in so I played it safe.

Found another tight muscle/tendon closer to the hip flexor and I think it may actually be a big cause of hte problem.

Stretched for awhile at about 5.5...and chose to head back.

Update - spent some time inside and did plenty of massaging along with some core/upper body. The hip felt quite different after finding the tight hip tendon so went back out to test it. 1.5 miles in 10:03 and felt pretty good (6:42 pace). Hip somewhat tight but in a different spot and might be much more managable.
