Swim: Free Style Previous Next


10:45 AM

1800 yd


1:39 / 100yd


83 F
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holy fuck man! it's been done! this is VERY exciting! 3 years of a <30 pool mile all blown away in one ally playdate.

right from the start i knew she was taking me to another level...at 20 laps i had to stop and check my watch. when i saw 15 something i knew i had a chance. last 3 laps i was breathing every stroke cause i couldn't make up the oxygen deficit i was spending. surged the last length somehow and saw the time...got so excited i started hitting the pool deck. when ally stopped i choked her out with a cuch hug. she is very good for me cause she can crush me when ever she wants. knowing that, i want to be good for her too so must keep her interested.

you fucking boys get in line! this girl is mine!
