Run: Short Intervals Previous Next


5:05 AM

6.6 mi


10:52 mi


174 lb
121 bpm
134 bpm


73 F
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Peachtree Ridge High School Track

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73F 73%H 64DP, At the Peachtree Ridge HS track. Only joined by one of the group, Dora I believe her name is. The others were elsewhere doing hill repeats. Even with my Garmin set to the right workout I still seemed to have screwed up my laps. I was supposed to do 1 mile WU, 2x (2 miles @ 10:00, 1/2 mile Recovery), but it seems on the second rep instead of doing 2 miles I did 2 1/2 miles. The half mile that was supposed to be the recovery half mile was actually faster than the faster portion. Don't have a clue how I managed to be off a half mile, especially when I was getting tired anyway
