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8 km


5:16 mi


34 F

Race Result



I need to become more comfortable with closing fast for a long time. At nationals waiting until the last 800 won't fly. It was nice to win the meet, but sad to see two of our most talented guys fall out the back like they did. Next week we will all be firing on all cylinders. Today's race was sort of more of the same for me it felt like, I feel like I can go SO much faster than I have been. I mean how have I not broken 26 yet? I need another breakthrough race that I can trust in who I am and how fast I can really go. Also Carina should have won ;)



You will fly at Louisville, along with the rest of us! Keep closing out like a mad-man Christopher!!

Jacque Garza

Really pumped to watch ya do some Crazy Christopher thangs this Saturday. The Collet's are unstoppable!!