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8 km


5:00 mi


Feeling good about racing and bouncing back well from last week's disaster. Running fast and upfront with the guys I should be with and beating. Broke 25 for the first time ever today as well as a 50 second PR. Felt really locked in for the whole race, and had fun beating some All-Americans ;). Did some things leading up to and during the race that just remind me that I'm fast and a beast runner. Next race back on the home course so probably gonna break 25 again because why not.


Carl Hamilton

50 SECONDS?!?!




All-Americans don't count when you run for less than 2 minutes @theDaltionMartin

Carina Collet

WOOT WOOT Big PR and a good race? PROUD

Jay Mix

Hellllllll yeah brotha, got some nasty wheels on yah