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8 km


4:57 mi

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Pretty fun race. Beat some 1500 runner late because wash U is full of bums who suck. Fastest last 700 out of everyone in field because I finish fast and thats what I do hehehehehehe

Big Joe getting the course record and all the guys who ran personal best times because that's pretty cool and a big reason why I think we should all run: to do stuff we never have before and give our best effort when we need to. The ability to put everything else aside and simply enjoy the purity of competition is something that I value. Enjoying the beauty of the body that you have sculpted and created over the course of years of work is something that everyone deserves the chance to enjoy. If you actively choose to avoid the pain of pushing to your physical limit it is such a pity that you can never know the ecstasy of true competition and the thrill of authentic victory over someone else who has also given their very best.


Andrew Poock

Well said, good race today Christopher!

Arthur Meyers

Wise words Christopher!

Connor Lancial

God, is that you🤩


Indeed, good man. Nice race, way to just spank everyone that last half mile like you know you should. Much Love!