Run: Intervals Previous Next


4:58 AM

7 mi


7:01 mi


59 F
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Temp 59 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 85%

8 x 1K @ 5K Effort w/ 400 Meter Jog Intervals.

Mile Paces: 6:12 / 5:52 / 5:50 / 5:47 / 5:49 / 5:58 / 5:57 / 5:49.

Slowest 5 reps = 18:30 5K. Toss #1 and its an 18:17 PR. Fastest 5 reps = 18:05 5K. On a track with jog intervals, so it means nothing...other than evidence that I'm in the best shape of my life. Got to be able to take this out on a road. First real workout in flats. Will get to see how my calf muscles and achilles tendons react.
