Run: Easy Previous Next


5:55 AM

5 mi


7:41 mi


58 F


Temp 58 Wind 2 mph. Humidity 83%.

XC Intervals at 3/4s Effort. Nice morning. Warm-up with 18:00 minutes of jogging at 7:52 average pace with two surges.

Workout is 2 x 15:00 minutes XC at 3/4s effort with 3:00 minute jog intervals. Tough course this morning. Grass is very wet, has about a week's growth, and thick layer of clippings (which are also wet) from last cutting after several days of rain. Tugging hard on plyo weary legs as minutes progressed. First 15:00 minute 3/4s segment mostly flat. 6:57 average pace. Second 15:00 minute 3/4s segment mostly hilly. 6:53 average pace. Effort was there, but not real sharp mentally. Kept miscounting alerts and messing up hitting lap button on Garmin.

Brisk cool-down. Little over 20:00 minutes at 7:32 average pace. Dime and four pennies, all during the warm-up.
