Run: Intervals Previous Next


4:56 AM

3.1 mi


7:39 mi


70 F
  • Map


Temp 70 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 89% Dew Point 67°.

CNS Day. Pitch dark with cloud cover and oppressive conditions with temp + dew point pegging close to 140. Fortunately have a mechanics-based workout scheduled rather than one that's effort-based. Should be able to get something worthwhile accomplished.

Jog to track and take two laps to prime. Surge/stride the straights with walk recoveries on the first lap and jog recoveries on the second.

Workout is 12 x 200 with 200 jogs. Half a lap in middle lanes, six in each direction. Only messed with timing last two in each direction (#s 5, 6, 11, and 12). On those, averaged 6:24 / 6:25 / 6:31 / 6:29. Overall execution closed to B/B+ than to A-/A. No shock. Not done a lot of this lately. It'll get better throughout June.

Easy back to the house and the clock is punched.
