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6:00 AM

0.7 mi


18:11 mi


48 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 48 (45) Wind 8 mph.

Long Run with Stuff. Hanging out in SE Missouri while CBEGM co-founder takes care of some business in Southern Illinois. Start with some warming up while waiting for some daylight. Jog for 24:00 minutes at 8:31 average pace, hit 6 x hill sprints, then jog another couple of minutes back to the car to hydrate.

Weekend workout is 3 x 15:00 minutes at FM working to HM with 5:00 minute jog intervals. First one on flat / rolling terrain. Average 7:18 pace. Jog 5:00 at 8:19 average. Next 15:00 on hills. More shorter and steeper than last week with a few nasty, tight turns. Average 7:10 pace. Jog another 5:00 at 7:45 average. Last 15:00 on track. Average 6:46 pace. Overall 55:00 minutes at 7:14 average pace. Was feeling good and moving strong and smooth from start, so did not bother looking at watch until finished. Total of 7.61 miles of money, money, money tempo training.

Cool down jog, most with Paul S. He's back up to 15-16 miles per week. Another 2.87 at 8:37 average pace. Nominal payday. Dime and three pennies.
