Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:05 AM

4.5 mi


7:24 mi


74 F
  • Map


Temp 74 Wind 10 mph. Humidity 84% Dew Point 71°.

Medium Long Run with Stuff. Waited for some daylight and for the heavier stuff to move out. Started with a jog down to the park. Hit 8 x hill sprints before heading over to the track. Had to take an alternate route with the creek raging over all the low-water bridges.

Run 3 x 9:00 AT tempo intervals on the track. Take 3:00 minute jogs for recoveries. Flipped directions for the last one. Hard to breath in this gunky air courtesy of Gordon. Pin-pointing AT effort almost outside my skill set. Not sure this would have been very pretty if it were still dark. Averaged 7:18 / 7:13 / 7:11 on the AT intervals. Was better than it could have been.

Finished off with an extra easy jog back to the house. Nickel and two pennies.
