Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:04 AM

2.9 mi


6:47 mi


62 F
  • Map


Temp 62 Wind 15 mph. Gusts 20-25 mph. Humidity 100% Dew Point 61°.

Interval Day. Wake up to best case weather scenario. Will get wet, but nasty stuff should hold off long enough to get out, get done, and get back under roof. Just hope the 5:15ers can get their $#!%-act figured out in 20 replies or less...oh, and FM is still out of commission for another couple of weeks.

Jog straight to track at 8:33 average pace. Looking to get a feel for running desired effort with and into stiff wind. Prime with two laps of striding the straights and walking the turns. Planned on doing 1200s w/ 400 jogs, but debating number and effort all morning and all the way over. Next couple of races are 10K and 15K, so thinking in wind and humidity, maybe HM-15K effort. Hard to get a read out here this morning, and the effort on the strides felt fast, but sustainable, so just go with that. Will decide on number after I run the first one. Know with wind blowing in my ears, ability to hear Garmin alert me at 1200m is zero and nil. Not wanting to worry about staying in a specific lane, so will run three laps point-to-point and call it a "1200". Stripped off long sleeve down to wet sleeveless tech shirt. Outside in soaked sleeveless two days before Christmas and still warm...amazing.

First 1200 at 6:25 average pace. Closer to 15K-10K effort, so will only do three. Flip directions for last two. Average 6:16 and 6:19. Felt the headwind starting to tick up on third lap of second interval. Focus on first two more on blending in with the elements (rather than fighting them). Last one was more about turnover rate and even pacing. Honestly, a little surprised was able to move this quickly. Downloaded Garmin data after getting back to house and sure enough, strides were topping in 6:30-6:20 range, so pretty much nailed the interval target.

Very easy, enjoyable jog back to the house. Mist and sprinkles are now a light rain. First signs of lightning as I turn into my section of the neighborhood. One penny.
