Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:05 AM

5.3 mi


7:11 mi


62 F
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Temp 62 Wind 4 mph.

6 x 1K @ 10K Effort w/ 400 Meter Jog Intervals. Running on the track in flats, so half way expecting pace to creep closer to 5K. Not going to worry about it, rather just focus on getting settled in and running relaxed, smooth, and right around threshold. Also will be paying attention to go gentle on my toe. Rush hour on track this a.m. Paul S. and the women's tempo trio knocking out 200s and 400s in the inside lane. I'm doing 1Ks, so take lane 8. Flip around after third rep.

(Paces) - 6:26 / 6:14 / 6:11 / 6:10 / 6:08 / 6:01.

Pretty much on auto-glide. Tooks focus, but never felt physically demanding. Whenever I felt like I was going above threshold, was able to relax and get back under control with little or no slow down. Happy with where I'm at right now. After some plyo tonight, will be time to recover and freshen up for Saturday.
