Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:26 AM

3.7 mi


6:48 mi


61 F
  • Map


Temp 61 Wind 3 mph.

Track Intervals. Jaw dropped when saw temperature. Jog over to track with some surges mixed in to prime. 2.19 miles at 8:06 average pace.

Workout is 6 x 600 (1.5 laps in lanes 1/2) with 400 jog intervals. Plan is to run as fast as possible while remaining under full control physically. Average pace on first one = 6:02. Out way to fast for this workout; however, evidence that I was ready to go at 5K/3K effort from the drop. On the track, weather ideal, so let's not waste the opportunity. Relax and roll. 6:08 / 6:06 / 6:04 / 6:04 / 6:16. Inadvertently packed it in about half way through the last one. Got in a good 300, was feeling so happy with how the workout had gone that I mentally lost focus and forgot to finish.

Down = 1.89 easy miles back to the house at 8:44 average pace. Two pennies.
