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6:44 AM

1.1 mi


13:18 mi


41 F
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Temp 41 (37) Wind 4 mph.

Training Plan - 5K Tune Up Race. Easter weekend in the bible belt. No races in this area code. Will have to ad-lib. Start by blending my morning workout routine with my morning race routine. Head out for a few laps around the neighborhood to warm up and let the sun rise.

Pack up the car and head over to the track. Bigger than life orange full moon in the western sky. All mornings are awesome, this one is better. About 15:00 minutes of drills and strides on the track to finish priming.

Change into A5s. Workout will be 3 x 1200 (three laps in outside lanes) with 400 (one lap) jog intervals. Rep split average paces = 6:20 / 6:18 / 6:07. Total workout of 3.05 miles in < 20:00 minutes. Know this is just an interval workout and not an actual race on a certified course, but those are national class splits...unassisted solo effort workout national class splits.

Back into the New Balances for another couple of easy miles to cool down.

A $20.00 bill, a quarter, two dimes, two nickels, and nineteen pennies. Happy Easter to me.
