Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


5:16 AM

0.6 mi


15:31 mi


19 F
  • Map


Temp 19 (19) Wind 3 mph.

Ladder Tempo Intervals. Roll out of bed with a head cold and both faucets gushing. Perfect! Above the neck and no fever; suck it up and go.

Easy jog straight to the track. 1.86 miles at 8:21 average pace. Two full low-impact drill sets and two 40-50 meter striders to prime.

Original workout plan was to do 1200, 1600, and 2000 with 400 jogs while working intervals down to 10K effort. Wanting to avoid more stress on immune system to let it work on head cold, so switch off and will focus on zeroing in on a good sustainable 15K effort. (Need that anyways.) Dark, eyes watering in chilly air, and head swimming in snot. No desire whatsoever for detail. Screw listening for Garmin chirps and trying to stay between two arbitrary white lines; one lap in the middle of the track is 400m...close enough for hobby jogger workout.

1200 = 6:47 average pace.

1600 = 6:43 average pace.

2000 = 6:38 average pace.

Couldn't have done better if I'd made the numbers up.

Down = 1.65 miles back to neighborhood and short walk back to driveway. BTW all you hardcore social media badasses...19° and no wind is not "cold".
