Run: Intervals Previous Next


4:56 AM

2.3 mi


7:32 mi


54 F
  • Map


Temp 54 Winds Calm.

Track Intervals. Took an extra primer lap due to some clumsiness on way over. Workout: 2 x 200 / 2 x 400 / 2 x 600 all with 200 jogs. Timed the 400s and 600s. Average Paces = 6:48 / 6:39 / 6:43 / 6:28. Flipped directions after each. Slowed down a tad to help with making better turns in both directions, then cut loose a little on the last one. Smooth on the jog back to the house.

Candidate for Forum's Quote of the Year this morning: "They did it right -- twice." Ohhh Kaaay??
