Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:24 AM

2.3 mi


7:27 mi


36 F
  • Map


Temp 37 (33) Wind 4 mph.

Sharpening Day. Some light fog, otherwise clear and calm. Recovery in a good place. Lower back rebounded nicely. Quads and HSs have mild fatigue, but nothing that would not be reflective of 48 hours after 18 miles and weight lifting.

Up = 1.84 miles at 8:41 average pace. House straight to the track with two extended surges. About ten minutes of drills and two strides. Both strides felt strong, straight, and true. Know exactly the effort / manner to nail the workout.

Workout = 10 x 200 (0.12) with 200 (0.12) jogs. Started clockwise on the track. Navigated the right turns much better this morning. 48 / 46 / 46 / 46 / 46. (46.X = 6:25-6:30) Flipped directions. 46 / 46 / 44 / 45 / 46. Caught myself running too hard on the 44. Not wanting to leave any of my race on the track this morning; relaxed some on the final two. Overall, as good of an interval workout as I've ran all year.

Down = 1.66 miles at 9:11 average pace. Another dime and penny for the DWA cup.
