Run: Easy Previous Next


4:48 AM

4.3 mi


9:28 mi


52 F


Temp 52 (48) Wind 11 mph.

Track Intervals. Cool, damp, with off and on sprinkles. Scheduled to increase the intensity this week by reducing the recovery intervals from 400 down to 200. As luck would have it, week of chaos spikes yesterday to a 12 on a 1-10 scale. Can literally feel the stress poison running through my veins and my heart straining every beat to pump the gunk. Resign myself to execute the workout, achieve the desired training effect, and accept whatever numbers display.

Up = Took about 18:00 minutes to jog to the track at 8:36 average pace. One lap of walking the turns and striding the straights.

Planned Workout Format: 400/800/1200/1200/1200.

400 @ 6:45 average pace.

800 @ 6:44 average pace.

1200 @ 6:47 average pace.

1200 @ 6:51 average pace.

800 @ 6:54 average pace.

400 @ 6:45 average pace.

Started slow, never got rolling, and started to fade quickly. Altered final 1200 to an 800 / 400.

Down = 1.82 miles at 9:35 average pace. Can only hope things calm down and will give this another shot in about ten days.
