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5:35 AM

0.9 mi


7:45 mi


49 F
  • Map


Temp 49 Winds Calm.

Long Run. Absolutely awesome morning to run. Loop the neighborhood, then over to the track. 2.41 miles at 8:18 average pace.

Testing out something new this morning. Strength endurance circuit. 200 meter strider, 8 x squat jumps, 100 meter strider, jog the turn, 100 meters springing, jog the turn, 100 meter strider, jog the turn, 100 meters bounding, jog the turn, and finish with a 100 meter strider.

Back onto the roads. In perfect alignment now, so clicking them off effortlessly and rolling. Oak Street to downtown, then pick up Main Street and take it for an out and back to the Interstate overpass. 9.60 miles at 7:50 average pace.

Post Run: 2 x superset of low-rep deadlifts, squats, and leg curls. Dime, nickel, and four pennies. Damn, that was fun.
